Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fo-Etched Glass Door

Want to know how to get this beautiful stain glass door look for really cheap? Here's how...
Originally I got the idea from At Second Street, but her directions said to find a sheet of decorative paper and exacto knife out the pattern. Ouch, my hand hurts just thinking about cutting out all that detail. So when I went to A.C. Moore yesterday I found this paper. That is pre-cut for you. Hello Genius invention! I snatched it up for $1.99. I also got some etched glass spray paint for $3.00 and some Elmer's spray glue ($2.50) for adhesive.First, you spray some glue on the backside of your decorative cut out paper. This will help hold down all of the little scrolls into place. Once you have placed it on your window where you would like tape up some newspaper to avoid spray painting into your other window panels. The tape gives you a nice clean line as well. Now you are ready to spray paint. Once you are done simply peel away your paper. Keep repeating these steps until you have done all of your panels. You will need to keep reapplying the spray glue on after every window panel to make sure it sticks well. You don't want any little flaps coming up. Voila! You have a nice Etched glass door. Here is from the insideAnd from the outside. Note to self...I thought it would be best if I spray painted it from the inside, but after it was all said and done. I should of sprayed it on the outside. Its darker on the inside and harder to see out. If your looking in from the outside in it is very faint and is very easy to see inside. Oh well, to late now, but you can learn from my mistake. I will be your guinea pig. I still think it is pretty.

I also should have picked a pattern that revealed more that way it would have been more frost instead of glass. The pattern I chose didn't cover much. You can still see through the windows very easily. I wish my paper pattern was reversed on the positive/negative. That would have been awesome

Drum Roll Please......
Total Cost for Etched Glass door: $7.50
How much it would have cost: $300

I'd say that's a BARGAIN! and it only took about 30 minutes to do

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