My sister in law gave me her old pillows she made when my husband and I got married. That was about 7 years ago, not including the time that my sister in law had them. That is just how long I have had them. I would say that it is about time for a make over. My girl's room needed some throw pillows so I thought I could put these old ones to good use. Follow along to see how I made these pillow covers.

First take your old pillow and measure all the way around it. If your pillow is rectangle you will need to measure horizontal and vertically. Mine is a square so I only needed to measure once. Which my pillow is 34". Now when you take this measurement to your fabric you will need to add about 1 1/2 inches to the length before cutting. So my new fabric will be 35 1/2" long

Next, fold, pin, and sew all the way around the edges. This seals your fabric so it won't fray latter on.

Now fold one end of your fabric over to the middle. Make sure you are doing this all inside out.

Then fold the other end of the fabric over. Making sure to overlap your 2 ends a little bit. I overlapped mine by about 2 inches. Once again you are going to sew, but this time your not going to go all the way around. You will only need to sew down the 2 sides that are open. Don't forget all this is inside out.

After you sew your 2 ends you will flip your fabric the right side out. As you can see you are left with a little pocket to stuff your pillow inside.

Here it is stuffed. Can you see the old pillow? You can also see why it was important to overlap your 2 end pieces. It creates a nice little covering so you can't see the old one.

Yay! For about $3 I have some new throw pillows for my girl's room. That sure beats spending $30 for some new ones from the store
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Hot cute! Wish I could sew but I'm soo note crafty at all!